
Jeanine Pirro visibly drunk on air

The point of this blog is to point out how poisonous FOX News is to our politics and culture, but sometimes it's just amateurish. This Twitter thread collected a couple of segments of Judge Jeanine "DEMON RATS!" Pirro slurring through her segments. Pirro is a real piece of work, who has mastered that fine art of raising her voice with just the right excess of disdain for anyone left of McCarthy, yet for some reason it's left-leaning voices who get called shrill . OMG. What is Fox News doing putting someone on the air in the condition? — Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) March 29, 2020
Rudy Giuliani essentially arguing that Trump, a public servant and also not the boss of state governors, is right to withhold essential medical supplies to pandemic stricken states because they haven't sucked up to him enough. Rudy Giuliani has advice for governors and mayors: Take the blame when you have to... when you play with your boss, sometimes it’s better when you don’t win the golf game. He’s the boss, he’s got all the resources — Acyn Torabi (@Acyn) March 28, 2020

Lou Dobbs poll on Trump's Coronavirus handling

 This is not photoshopped. Also: "Wuhan virus" is a term only used by Republicans and the easily influenced.